Installing from Git

Pingnoo can also be built and run from the source code which is aailable on the GitHub repository.


  1. Git - A git client is the most convenient method of obtaining the source code, alternatively the source code can be downloaded as a zip file and extracted on the users computer. Using a Git client is recommended as you will be able to quickly and easily pull new versions of code as they are released.

  2. Qt - Qt 5 is required to build the software.

  3. CMake - Pingnoo is built using CMake, a recent version of CMake is a requirement.


Tbe Xcode command line tools must be installed which provides the compilers.


The appropriate compiler which matches the compiler used to build the Qt version being used. The binary releases of Pingnoo use the Visual Studio 2019 compilers and runtime, other versions or compilers may be used but they remain untested and may require alterations to the code in order to win.


Depending on the distro and/or the packages that are installed, a compatible compiler must be installed.